People Are Having An 8th Phera At Their Weddings And This Is Why It Is Necessary!
BY Apoorva | 10 Dec, 2019 | 2878 views | 2 min read
From the beginning of time weddings were synonyms with 7 pheras for the couple to be entwined for the next 7 lives! But a lot of weddings in Northern and Central India has introduced the 8th phera along with the other 7 scared pheras. The extra solemn round of the sacred fire would signify a pledge to save the girl child. How lovely is that?
Image via Puja and Shyam's Real Wedding
Many NGO and foundations have encouraged and introduced this 8th phera in the lives of soon to be married couples. Bharatpur-based Lupin Human Welfare & Research Foundation is one such foundation. India has one of the highest female foeticide incidents in the world. Along with that the Dowry system in Indian weddings which makes daughters “an unaffordable economic burden”, also contributes to female infanticide. To discourage this and allow women to have safer pregnancies, many states have introduced the 8th phera. The eighth vow is a symbol of the pledge taken by the couple that they would not get the foetal sex determination test conducted on them during pregnancy and if a daughter is born to them, they would raise her with the same care and attention for a son.
Image via The Brownbox Studios
In a time where a woman is fighting for each inch of ground that she stand on, for female equality, for girl child education, this step is a huge mark of development! Taking the 8th phera at your wedding also spreads awareness about its importance within the community of people who have come to witness your union.
Would you consider taking the 8th phera?