This Man Just Walked Into A Wedding, Kissed The Bride And Convinced Her Folks, Just Wow!!!
BY Latha Sunadh | 14 Dec, 2016 | 2401 views | 2 min read
You'll think that these things happen only in movies but truth my friend , is stranger than fiction. A boy in Vishakhapatnam as reported by Mumbai Mirror , barged into the wedding hall - proclaimed to be her boyfriend and proposed to her , while the groom she was supposed to marry sat there with his tongue hanging. Now that takes guts!!!! What you should know is that, the girl had wanted to marry this boy but both her parents and his were against the union. And her parents fixed her up with another boy until this happened - right at the Engagement. The other groom and his parents left the pandal in a huff, as we can imagine
The incident took place in Bakkannapalem village on the outskirts of Hyderabad on Saturday. And what makes it so strange is that he entered right before they were about to exchange rings and just kissed her ! The boy then went to the girls’ parents and convinced them about his love. The girl also conveyed to them that she wanted to marry him. The boy's parents came there and agreed too, upon insistence from the relatives! Alls well that ends well - but this sure is one dramatic wedding proposal! *Le sigh!