Hi Divergent Creations,
Divergent Creations is run by an independent artist who likes to create unique art, wedding stationery, and home décor. It is a design house specializing in wedding invitation couture, catering to customers internationally and domesticaly. The style is more subtle, modest and they love using graphic designs for traditional and contemporary motifs. Being associated with WMG for more than 1 year, they create stunning customised cards and is a perfect option to hire for your wedding day.
Divergent Creations offers its customers with beautiful unboxed and boxed wedding invites ranging from Rs. 10 to 500 and e-cards from Rs.200. Here, are different types of wedding invites they offer, which are as follows:
8 years 7 months
Physical Invite Price
50 - 100
Shipping Policy
Both domestic and International shipping available
Core Speciality
Funky & Offbeat Invitations, Modern Invites, Traditional Invitations
Unboxed Invites
10 - 500
Digital E- Cards
Minimum Order Quantity