Simple & Sweet DIYs for a Glam Mehendi Night That Don't Cost A Thing!
BY Sakshi | 05 Dec, 2016 | 7147 views | 3 min read
Genda phool petals in earten pots
Photo Courtesy: Rani Pink
So easy, so festive and so apt for the Mehendi! Get some earten pots, put some genda phool petals and floating candles and you're all set!
Twine wrapped bottles
Photo Courtesy: 3Productions
If a rustic decor look is what you're going for, then twine wrapped bottles are easy to pull off and look so good! A centerpiece like this and you're all sorted!
Hanging photos
Photo Courtesy: Navin Studios
Just some simple hanging photos with some twine and a paper clip- looks super cute and is a great way to display your memories for the Mehendi night!
Wedding advice sticky note corner
Photo Courtesy: The Wedding Minions
A fun corner like this is going to make your guests feel so involved! Just ask them to write down their fun or serious advice for you on post its and display them with paper clips!
Quirky bride cushion cover
Photo Courtesy: Momente Wedding Planners
Mark the bridal chair with a retro Bollywood cushion like this one to save the spot!
Bangle chandelier
Photo Courtesy: Dreams To Themes
A bangle chandelier like this one is super easy, and looks good for the Mehendi! You can hang one big or loads of tiny small ones all over!
Hanging glass bottles with flowers and fairy lights
Photo Courtesy: The A-Cube Project
This is probably the simplest and prettiest thing you see at a lot of weddings- just some empty glass bottles or mason jars with flowers and fairy lights!
Pickle jar flower vase
Photo Courtesy: Devika Narain and Company
What a simple but clever idea! If you wanna go for this rustic, traditional look, then use some pickle jars as vases- either for a corner display or centerpieces!
Fairy light sheer curtains
Photo Courtesy: The A-Cube Project
Just some sheer curtains with fairy lights- and the effect? Magic!
Hanging kaleere
Photo Courtesy: Rajesh Digital
We've been spotting a lot of kaleere in decor these days, and we especially love the idea for a Mehendi night!
Handwritten dance floor board
Photo Courtesy: Momente Wedding Planners
A handpainted board like this one is so quirky and fun! You can do direction boards on wood, chalkboards or even cardboard cutouts!
Hanging tealights and flowers
Photo Courtesy: Karan Sidhu Photography
These roses tied up together facing downwards and these hanging tealights in holders is also such a cute idea for a Mehendi night!
So, have enough tricks up your sleeve now?